Your Success vs. The Negative Zone

Have you ever heard the term “creative manifestation“? In a nutshell, it means that you can manifest the things that you want in your life by creating them yourself – by using your thoughts and feelings.
Sounds great, right? We can have whatever we want just by thinking about it! Well, if you know what you are doing, that is 100% true. However, most people are doing something much more common, and I call it “creative destruction”.
You may or may not be aware of the simple concepts behind the Law of Attraction, but they basically state that whatever we focus on is what we will bring into our lives. That is absolutely true, and most people would swear that they spend plenty of time focusing on the things that they want.
Unfortunately, those same people spend even more time waiting for those things to show up, and then wondering why it never happens. The reason it doesn’t happen is because those people are practicing creative destruction.
Even though they may have a clear vision of what they want, the majority of people’s thoughts are usually fixed on the fact that they don’t have the object of their desire. In other words, they are trying to manifest their desires, but they are doing so from a position of “lack”.
Bryant Sandburg coined it perfectly in his blog when he said:”So if you think about the things you lack, that is what you will attract. You will lock yourself in lack.” That phrase “lock yourself in lack” is so appropriate, because it describes perfectly something that you have probably been doing for years.
There is no shortage of desire for us to have the many things that we want in this world. However, – consciously or subconsciously – we spend far more time thinking about what we don’t have. Once again deferring to the all powerful Law of Attraction; if that is what you think about, then that is exactly what you will get!
That’s creative destruction. You are creating the very circumstances that you don’t want to be in! This smacks of the phrase that some of the readers from my generation will be familiar with: “Go get the belt”!
Just as when we were kids and we did something wrong that warranted some tough love from our parents, now that we are adults and parents ourselves, we are still doing it. We are creating negative circumstances for our lives, and then getting upset when those circumstances dutifully show up over and over again.
By now the question that is probably on your mind is, “What can I do about it”?
I’ll give you an answer to that, although I will ask that you PLEASE listen to these words, and put them or some reminder of them in a place where you will see them every day.
I make that request because the habits that we are talking about breaking here have very likely been ingrained in us after years and years of use, and changing our thought patterns is not going to be as easy as simply reading this blog post.
Some may say that by even making that type of statement that I am practicing negativity. To the contrary. I’m practicing realism! I very much believe in your ability to make positive changes in your life based on this advice, but I would be remiss in my duties as the “teacher” if I fed you some fairy tale about Amazing Changes in your Life with only 2 Minutes of Work per Day!
The truth is that you are an all-powerful being and that you can literally have, do, or be anything that you want. However, you are going to have to work at it, which will make the attainment of your goals that much better.
The key to creative manifestation (as opposed to destruction) is that you follow the Creative Process, as outlined in the movie The Secret:
1) Ask for what you want – This does not mean standing in your front yard, hands outstretched, head towards the heavens, and saying, “Please deliver a brand new car to my driveway”.
Those words – or any other words that you use – mean nothing to the Universe. To think that the all-powerful and timeless power of all that has ever been or ever will be is going to understand your language is arrogance at it’s finest.
No, the Universe only responds to vibrations. We create vibrations with our feelings, not with our words. Now, that being said, if by saying something out loud or in your head makes you generate the feelings of actually having what you are asking for, then go for it. Sing it to the heavens, Brothers and Sisters!
2) Answer – This is the job of the Universe – NOT you! The Universe will always answer, every time, without fail. However, the Creative Process is a 3-step process, and Step 3 is the one where you need to step up to the plate if you truly want whatever it is that you are asking for.
3) Receive – This is where you start to truly see the difference between creative manifestation and creative destruction. Ordinarily, we are used to looking at things from a position of lack, which means that we are generating the vibrations of NOT having what we just got done asking for.
I remember the day we got to throw a live grenade during U.S. Army bootcamp. Everyone was so excited! We had been trained and now we got to launch one of those pineapples down range and see just what it could do!
Then, you step into the cement shelter with the Drill Sergeant, you start to get nervous, and you see that he has a live grenade in his hand that he is about to give you so you can pull the pin and toss it over the wall!
On one hand, you are thinking, “Oh, this is so exciting, and I can’t wait”! On the other hand, your heart is beating a mile a minute, you see flashes of you and the instructor splattered all over the inside of the shelter if you happen to drop it, and suddenly you’re not quite sure if you really want it after all.
That is exactly what happens when most people ask the Universe for something. They really want what they are asking for, they can’t wait to have it, but deep down inside – deep down where it really counts and where the Universe is listening – they don’t truly believe they should have the thing they are asking for, or they don’t truly believe that it’s possible that they can have it.
Well, I’m happy to say that in Basic Training I managed to toss the grenade OVER the wall, and I’m still here to tell that story.
The question that you need to ask yourself is whether or not you are going to have guts to have FAITH in the Universe, to BELIEVE that you deserve what you are asking for, and to FEEL grateful and happy as if you already had whatever it is you are asking the Universe for.
If you can remember that 3-step Creative Process, and remember to Believe, have Faith, and to Feel grateful and happy about what you are asking for, the Universe will deliver.
Don’t let yourself get “locked in lack”. Haven’t you spent enough time there already?

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