Tips & Cara Memilih Jurusan Kuliah Di Perguruan Tinggi Yang Baik – Panduan Siswa-Siswi SMP Dan SMA

Pada umumnya siswa yang telah lulus dari SMA, SMEA, SMK dan jenjang sederajat lainnya akan melanjutkan studi ke Perguruan Tinggi baik Perguruan Tinggi Negeri / PTN maupun Perguruan Tinggi Swasta / PTS. Pada perguruan tinggi terdapat penjurusan mahasiswa berdasarkan subyek mata kuliah yang diambil. Setiap jurusan memiliki materi dan sifat pembelajaran yang berbeda-beda. Jurusan yang memiliki sifat yang serupa akan digabung dalam suatu fakultas, akademi, sekolah tinggi, dan lain sebagainya.
Memilih jurusan kuliah bukan urusan yang mudah dan bukan persoalan yang sepele. Banyak faktor yang harus diperhitungkan dan dipikirkan masak-masak. Memilih secara tergesa-gesa tanpa memperhitungkan segala aspek akan berakibat fatal mulai dari kesadaran yang terlambat bahwa jurusa yang diambil tidak sesuai dengan kepribadian sampai pada drop out / DO atau dikeluarkannya seorang mahasiswa / mahasiswi karena dinyatakan tidak mampu mengikuti pendidikan yang diikutinya. Maka dari itu pemilihan jurusan sedini mungkin harus mulai dipertimbangkan. Salah pilih jurusan merupakan bencana dan kerugian yang besar bagi anda di masa depan.
Cara milih jurusan di Perguruan Tinggi yang baik :
1. Menyesuaikan Cita-Cita, Minat dan Bakat
Bagi yang telah memiliki cita-cita tertentu, maka lihatlah jrurusan apa yang dapat membawa menuju profesi atau pekerjaan yang diinginkan tersebut. Janganlah memilih jurusan teknik geodesi jika anda ingin menjadi seorang dokter ahli kandungan dan jangan pula memilih jurusan sastra jawa jika bercita-cita menjadi polisi.
Sesuaikan jurusan yang ingin diambil dengan minat dan bakat. Jika tidak menyukai hitung-hitungan janganlah mengambil jurusan matematika dan jika tidak menyukai menggambar jangan mengambil jurusan teknik sipil. Kemudian lihat bakat anda saat ini. Mengembangkan bakat yang sudah ada disertai dengan rasa suka dan cita-cita pada suatu jurusan studi akan menjadi pilihan yang tepat.
2. Informasi yang Sempurna
Carilah informasi yang banyak sebagai bahan pertimbangan anda untuk memilih jurusan. Cari dan gali informasi dari banyak sumber seperti orang tua, saudara, guru, teman, bimbel, tetangga, konsultan pendidikan, kakak kelas, teman mahasiswa, profesional, dan lain sebagainya. Jangan mudah terpengaruh dengan orang lain yang kurang menguasai informasi atau ikut-ikutan teman / trend.
Internet juga merupakan media yang tepat dan bebas untuk bertanya kepada orang-orang di dalamnya tentang apa yang ingin kita ketahui. Cari situs forum atau chating melalui messenger dengan orang yang dapat dipercaya. Semua informasi yang didapat dirangkum dan dijadikan bahan untuk membantu memilih jurusan.
3. Lokasi dan Biaya
Bagi orang yang hidup dalam ekonomi atas, memilih jurusan tidak akan menjadi masalah. Biaya yang nantinya harus ditanggung dapat diselesaikan dengan mudah baik dari pengeluaran studi, biaya hidup, lokasi tempat tinggal, dan lain sebagainya. Bagi masyarakat golongan menengah ke bawah, lokasi dan biaya merupakan masalah yang sangat diperhitungkan.
Jika dana yang ada terbatas maka pilihlah lokasi kuliah yang dekat dengan tempat tinggal atau lokasi luar kota yang memiliki biaya hidup yang rendah. Pilih juga tempat kuliah yang biaya pendidikan tidak terlalu tinggi. Jika dana yang ada nanti belum mencukupi, maka carilah beasiswa, keringanan, pekerjaan paruh waktu / freelance atau sponsor untuk mencukupi kebutuhan dana anda. Jangan jadikan pula uang sebagai faktor yang sangat menghambat masa depan anda.
4. Daya Tampung Jurusan / Peluang Diterima
Perhatikan daya tampung suatu jurusan di PTN dan PTS favorit. Pada umumnya memiliki kuantitas yang terbatas dan diperebutkan oleh banyak orang. Jangan membebani diri anda dengan target untuk berkuliah di tempat tertentu dengan jurusan tertentu yang favorit. Anda bisa stres jika kehendak anda tidak terpenuhi. Buat banyak pilihan tempat kuliah beserta jurusannya.
Ukur kemampuan untuk melihat sejauh mana peluang menempati suatu jurusan di tempat favorit. Adanya seleksi masal yang murni seperti UMPTN, SPMB, Sipenmaru dan lain sebagainya dapat menjegal masa depan studi anda jika tidak persiapkan dan diperhitungkan matang-matang. Pelajari soal-soal seleksi dan ikuti ujian try out sebagai percobaan anda dalam mengukur kemampuan yang anda miliki.
Namun jangan terlalu minder dengan hasil yang didapat. Jika pada SPMB ada 2 jurusan yang dapat dipilih, pilih satu jurusan & tempat yang anda cita-citakan dan satu jurusan lain atau lokasi lain yang sesuai atau sedikit di bawah kemampuan anda.
5. Masa Depan Karir dan Pekerjaan
Lihatlah ke depan setelah anda lulus nanti. Apakah jurusan yang anda ambil nanti dapat mengantar anda untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan dan karir yang baik? Banyak jurusan-jurusan yang saat ini lulusannya menganggur tidak bekerja. Tidak hanya orang dari jurusan tertentu saja yang dapat bekerja pada suatu profesi, karena saat ini rekrutmen perusahaan dalam mencari tenaga kerja tidak melihat seseorang dari latar belakang pendidikan saja, namun juga pengalaman. Tetapi jika kompetensi, keberanian dan kemampuan anda jauh dari orang-orang normal, maka jurusan apapun yang anda ambil sah-sah saja.
Biarkanlah hati dan akal sehat anda bicara tanpa adanya campur tangan dari orang lain. Konsultasikan dengan orang tua dan orang lain yang anda percayai. Pemilihan jurusan kuliah sangat menentukan masa depan anda. Selamat berjuang.

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KESUKSESAN bukanlah suatu kebetulan, kesuksesan adalah hasil dari sikap kita yang terdiri dari berbagai pilihan. Jadi kesuksesan adalah perihal pilihan dan bukan hanya peluang.

- Kegagalan adalah suatu insiden yang dapat ditenun ke Permadani Prestasi
  yang kreatif.
- Ingatlah bahwa kegagalan itu sementara, tak ada kegagalan yang permanen
  sifatnya, melainkan hanya kemunduran sementara dalam kehidupan yang –
- Kesuksesan adalah Realisasi yang bersifat progresif dari sebuah tujuan
  yang bermanfaat.
- Keberhasilan anda membantu banyak orang, kegagalan anda tidak mem -
  Bantu siapapun ( Jhon Kehoe )


- Kegagalan boleh didefinisikan sebagai cara keliru untuk melakukan sesuatu.
- Kegagalan memiliki unsur-unsur menguntungkan dalam arti memberitahu
  kita agar tidak mengulanginya lagi.
- kalau anda tahu apa yang tidak boleh dilakukan, anda lebih siap belajar bagai-
  mana seharusnya.
- Keberhasilan adalah hasil dari kerja yang tidak berkesudahan
  ( Paul Richard )


- Sementara anda bisa belajar dari kegagalan dengan menemukan apa yang tidak
  boleh di ulangi, belajar lebih efektif dari sukses anda dengan menemukan apa
  yang harus di lakukan.
- Pendidikan tidak pernah mengenal titik jenuh ( Victor Hugo )


- Jangan pernah menerima kegagalan.
- Hindarilah konteks kegagalan dari pikiran anda.
- Tanamkanlah konsep sukses dalam benak anda.
- Manusia tidak kekurangan kekuatan, mereka hanya kekurangan kemauan.
  ( Victor Hugo )


- Berpikirlah, jangan reaktif tapi kreatif
- kesulitan / masalah -à panic / marah bahkan penuh kebencian -à reaksi
  emosional -à berbuat secara tidak Rasional.
- Anda bisa membakar pabrik saya dan menghancurkan mesin2 nya tetapi
  kembalikan orang2 saya dan saya akan membangunnya kembali dalam se-
  kejap ( Ford )


- Tidak ada sukses yang dapat diraih dalam kehidupan ini tanpa kerajinan.
- Bekerjalah yang rajin maka prestasi sukses akan terbuka dihadapan anda.
- Sedikit namun terus menerus, menjadikannya berlimpah ( Anonymous )


- Semua orang yang sukses punya sasaran / tujuan yang jelas.
- Tak seorang pun bisa ke mana-mana kecuali ia tahu ingin pergi kemana dan
  apa yang ingin dilakukan atau ingin menjadi apa dia.
- Milikilah sasaran yang pasti, yang berorientasi pada doa.
- Jangan takut melawan arus, layang – layang terbang dengan cara menentang
  arah angin, bukan mengikutinya . ( H Matie )


- Pastikan agar sasaran anda itu benar.
- Kekeliruan akan melahirkan kekeliruan, dan kebenaran yang akan melahirkan
  kebenaran .
- Kunci persaingan millennium ke 3 adalah Organisasi ( Peter Drucker )


- Mintalah arahan dari Tuhan –à berdoa
- Jangan malu bertanya kalau tidak mengerti / tidak tahu.

10. CARA

- Cara pasti menuju sukses adalah cara doa yang tidak egois.
- Pikirkanlah bahwa anda ingin melakukan kebaikan terbaik didunia dan
- mencapai nilai-nilai terbaik, bukan sekedar bagi diri sendiri melainkan juga
  bagi semua orang. Maka anda akan membawa pengalaman total anda ke dalam
  bidang motivasi sukses.


1.     Ego
2.     Perasaan takut gagal/sukses, harga diri yang rendah
3.     Tidak memiliki rencana
4.     Kurangnya tujuan-tujuan yang mantap
5.     Perubahan-perubahan dalam hidup
6.     Kecenderungan menunda pekerjaan
7.     Tanggung jawab keluarga
8.     Masalah jaminan keuangan
9.     Fokus yang tidak jelas, berantakan
10. Mengorbankan visi demi uang
11. Terlalu banyak bekerja sendiri
12. Komitmen yang berlebihan
13. Kurang komitmen
14. Kurang berlatih
15. Lemahnya tekad
16. Kurangnya prioritas


1.     Keinginan
2.     Komitmen
3.     Tanggung jawab
4.     kerja keras
5.     Karakter
6.     Keyakinan yang positif
7.     Berikan lebih dari yang anda dapat
8.     Kekuatan dari suatu ketekunan
9.     Kebanggaan akan prestasi
10. Bersedia menjadi murid – carilah seorang pembimbing


1.     Takut mengambil resiko
2.     Kurang ketekunan
3.     Ingin memperoleh hasil dengan cepat
4.     Kurangnya prioritas
5.     Menempuh jalan pintas
6.     Mementingkan diri sendiri dan ketamakan
7.     Tidak berpendirian
8.     Kurangnya pemahaman pada hokum alam
9.     Keengganan menyusun rencana dan mempersiapkan diri
10. Mencari pembenaran
11. Tidak belajar dari kesalahan masa lalu
12. Ketidak-mampuan mengenali peluang
13. Ketakutan
14. Ketidakmampuan menggunakan bakat
15. Kurang disiplin
16. Harga diri yang rendah
17. Kurangnya pengetahuan
18. Sikap Fatalistik / Pasrah
19. Kurangnya tujuan
20. Kurangnya keberanian


1.     Bermain untuk menang dan bukan untuk kalah
2.     Belajar dari kesalahan orang lain
3.     Bergabung bersama orang-orang yang memiliki karakter moral yang tinggi
4.     Berikan lebih dari yang anda terima
5.     Jangan mencari sesuatu yang tidak bernilai
6.     Selalu berpikir untuk jangka panjang
7.     Mengevaluasi kekuatan dan membangun diatas kekuatan itu.
8.     Selalu memliki pemikiran yang lebih luas ketika mengambil keputusan
9.     Jangan pernah mengkompromikan integritas anda.

Ciri – ciri orang yang harus kita pegang :

1.     Mau belajar / Teacheable
2.     Berani melawan arus.
3.     Tidak banyak alasan.
4.     Bisa berpikir.
5.     Punya Impian.
6.     Punya keyakinan bhw HD bisa mewujudkan impian anda.
7.     Mau mandiri.
8.     Berani membayar harga lebih dulu.
9.     Nekat yang professional.
10. Jujur.
11. Pantang menyerah.
12. Miliki sikap positif.
13. Berani berinvestasi.


1.  Mau belajar / Teacheable
2.     Berani melawan arus.
3.     Tidak banyak alasan.
4.     Mau berpikir.
5.     Punya Impian.
6.     Punya keyakinan bhw HD bisa mewujudkan impian saya.
7.     Mau mandiri.
8.     Berani membayar harga lebih dulu.
9.     Memiliki ketekunan.
10. Jujur.
11. Pantang menyerah.
12. Memiliki sikap positif.
13. Berani berinvestasi.
14. Memiliki semangat untuk berprestasi.
15. Mau melayani.
16. Selalu optimis
17. Bersikap ramah, murah senyum, dan rendah hati.
18. Mau membuat kenalan baru secara terus menerus.
19. Berani mengambil resiko
20. Rajin berdo’a.



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anniversary 1th

hari ini 1 th aku jadian ma pcarq
sneng bged
smoga hubungan ni bisa bertahan lama

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Doaiin Euugh.....

doain ortuq n sohibq ngizinin aku n sohibq liburan n nginep di sana
tp qt mw.x prg dg rstu ortu , plnk dg clmt n brgkt pun bgitu
aq n sohibq bza mndiri n jd dwasa kl diizinin prg lburan ke luar kota

moga diizinin

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Fashion, a general term for the style and custom prevalent at a given time, in its most common usage refers to costume or clothing style. The more technical term, costume, has become so linked in the public eye with the term "fashion" that the more general term "costume" has in popular use mostly been relegated to special senses like fancy dress or masquerade wear, while the term "fashion" means clothing generally, and the study of it. This linguistic switch is due to the fashion plates which were produced during the Industrial Revolution, showing the latest designs.[citation needed] For a broad cross-cultural look at clothing and its place in society, refer to the entries for clothing, costume and fabrics. The remainder of this article deals with clothing fashions in the Western world.

Clothing fashions

The continually changing fashions of the West have been generally unparalleled either in antiquity or in the other great civilizations of the world until recent decades. Early Western travellers, whether to Persia, Turkey or China frequently remark on the absence of changes in fashion there, and observers from these other cultures comment on the unseemly pace of Western fashion, which many felt suggested an instability and lack of order in Western culture. The Japanese Shogun's secretary boasted (not completely accurately) to a Spanish visitor in 1609 that Japanese clothing had not changed in over a thousand years.However in Ming China, for example, there is considerable evidence for rapidly changing fashions in Chinese clothing.
Changes in costume often took place at times of economic or social change (such as in ancient Rome and the medieval Caliphate), but then a long period without major changes followed. This occurred in Moorish Spain from the 8th century, when the famous musician Ziryab introduced sophisticated clothing styles based on seasonal and daily timings from his native Baghdad and his own inspiration to Córdoba, Spain.Similar changes in fashion occurred in the Middle East from the 11th century, following the arrival of the Turks who introduced clothing styles from Central Asia and the Far East.
The beginnings of the habit in Europe of continual and increasingly rapid change in clothing styles can be fairly reliably dated to the middle of the 14th century, to which historians including James Laver and Fernand Braudel date the start of Western fashion in clothing. The most dramatic manifestation was a sudden drastic shortening and tightening of the male over-garment, from calf-length to barely covering the buttocks, sometimes accompanied with stuffing on the chest to look bigger. This created the distinctive Western male outline of a tailored top worn over leggings or trousers.

 The pace of change accelerated considerably in the following century, and women and men's fashion, especially in the dressing and adorning of the hair, became equally complex and changing. Art historians are therefore able to use fashion in dating images with increasing confidence and precision, often within five years in the case of 15th century images. Initially changes in fashion led to a fragmentation of what had previously been very similar styles of dressing across the upper classes of Europe, and the development of distinctive national styles. These remained very different until a counter-movement in the 17th to 18th centuries imposed similar styles once again, mostly originating from Ancien Régime France. Though the rich usually led fashion, the increasing affluence of early modern Europe led to the bourgeoisie and even peasants following trends at a distance sometimes uncomfortably close for the elites - a factor Braudel regards as one of the main motors of changing fashion.

Ten 16th century portraits of German or Italian gentlemen may show ten entirely different hats, and at this period national differences were at their most pronounced, as Albrecht Dürer recorded in his actual or composite contrast of Nuremberg and Venetian fashions at the close of the 15th century (illustration, right). The "Spanish style" of the end of the century began the move back to synchronicity among upper-class Europeans, and after a struggle in the mid 17th century, French styles decisively took over leadership, a process completed in the 18th century.
Though colors and patterns of textiles changed from year to year,the cut of a gentleman's coat and the length of his waistcoat, or the pattern to which a lady's dress was cut changed more slowly. Men's fashions largely derived from military models, and changes in a European male silhouette are galvanized in theatres of European war, where gentleman officers had opportunities to make notes of foreign styles: an example is the "Steinkirk" cravat or necktie.
The pace of change picked up in the 1780s with the increased publication of French engravings that showed the latest Paris styles; though there had been distribution of dressed dolls from France as patterns since the 16th century, and Abraham Bosse had produced engravings of fashion from the 1620s. By 1800, all Western Europeans were dressing alike (or thought they were): local variation became first a sign of provincial culture, and then a badge of the conservative peasant.
Although tailors and dressmakers were no doubt responsible for many innovations before, and the textile industry certainly led many trends, the history of fashion design is normally taken to date from 1858, when the English-born Charles Frederick Worth opened the first true haute couture house in Paris. Since then the professional designer has become a progressively more dominant figure, despite the origins of many fashions in street fashion. The four major current fashion capitals are acknowledged to be Milan, New York City, Paris, and London. Fashion weeks are held in these cities, where designers exhibit their new clothing collections to audiences, and which are all headquarters to the greatest fashion companies and are renowned for their major influence on global fashion.
Modern Westerners have a wide choice available in the selection of their clothes. What a person chooses to wear can reflect that person's personality or likes. When people who have cultural status start to wear new or different clothes a fashion trend may start. People who like or respect them may start to wear clothes of a similar style.
Fashions may vary considerably within a society according to age, social class, generation, occupation, and geography as well as over time. If, for example, an older person dresses according to the fashion of young people, he or she may look ridiculous in the eyes of both young and older people. The terms 'fashionista' or fashion victim refer to someone who slavishly follows the current fashions.
One can regard the system of sporting various fashions as a fashion language incorporating various fashion statements using a grammar of fashion. (Compare some of the work of Roland Barthes.)


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Perasaan Ku

Masih ada celah dihatiku
Biladia tak ada disisiku
Tanpanya ...
Membuat Hidupku sengsara
Aku gundah gelisah memikirkannya ...
Ku ingin dia menemaniku
Disetiap detikku, waktuku, hembus nafasku ..
Ku tak ingin dia pergi dari hidupku

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Only Hope _ Mandy Moore

There's a song that's inside of my soul.
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake in the infinite cold.
But you sing to me over and over and over again.

So, I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.

Sing to me the song of the stars.
Of your galaxy dancing and laughing and laughing again.
When it feels like my dreams are so far
Sing to me of the plans that you have for me over again.

So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I know now, you're my only hope.

I give you my destiny.
I'm giving you all of me.
I want your symphony, singing in all that I am
At the top of my lungs, I'm giving it back.

So I lay my head back down.
And I lift my hands and pray
To be only yours, I pray, to be only yours
I pray, to be only yours
I know now you're my only hope.

hmmmmm, hmmmmm, oooooh.

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Green Day is an American punk rock band formed in 1987. The band has consisted of lead vocalist and guitarist Billie Joe Armstrong, bassist and backing vocalist Mike Dirnt, and drummer Tré Cool for the majority of its existence.
Green Day was originally part of the punk scene at 924 Gilman Street in Berkeley, California. The band's early releases for independent record label Lookout! Records earned it a grassroots fanbase.Nevertheless, its major label debut Dookie (1994) became a breakout success and eventually sold over 10 million copies in the U.S. and 15 million worldwide. As a result, Green Day was widely credited, alongside fellow California punk bands The Offspring and Rancid, with reviving mainstream interest in and popularizing punk rock in the United States.Green Day's three follow-up albums, Insomniac, Nimrod and Warning did not achieve the massive success of Dookie, but they were still successful, reaching double platinum, double platinum, and gold status respectively.Green Day's 2004 rock opera American Idiot reignited the band's popularity with a younger generation, selling five million copies in the U.S. The band's eighth studio album, 21st Century Breakdown, was released in 2009.
Green Day has sold over 65 million records worldwide and 24.5 million in the US alone.[ They have won four Grammy Awards; Best Alternative Album for Dookie, Best Rock Album for American Idiot, Record of the Year for "Boulevard of Broken Dreams", and Best Rock Album for the second time for 21st Century Breakdown.

Band history

Formation and Lookout years: 1987–1993

In 1987, friends Billie Joe Armstrong and Mike Dirnt, 15 years old at the time, formed a band called Sweet Children. The first Sweet Children show took place on October 17, 1987, at Rod's Hickory Pit in Vallejo, California where Armstrong's mother was working. In 1988, Armstrong and Dirnt began working with Sean Hughes and the former Isocracy drummer John Kiffmeyer, also known as Al Sobrante. Kiffmeyer served as both the band's drummer and business manager, handling the booking of shows and helping the band establish a fan base, and Sean Hughes served as the band's bass guitar player.As said in the film Punk's Not Dead, Armstrong cites the band Operation Ivy (which features Tim Armstrong and Matt Freeman of Rancid) as a major influence, and a band that drove Armstrong to form a band.
After Hughes left the band in 1989, Larry Livermore, owner of Lookout! Records, saw the band play an early show and signed them to his label. In 1989 they recorded their first EP, 1,000 Hours. Before 1,000 Hours was released, the band dropped the name Sweet Children, according to Livermore this was done to avoid confusion with another local band Sweet Baby.The band adopted the name Green Day, allegedly due to their fondness of marijuana.
Lookout! would release Green Day's first LP, 39/Smooth in early 1990. Green Day would record two EPs later that year: Slappy and Sweet Children, the latter of which included some older songs they had recorded for Minneapolis indie label Skene! Records. In 1991, Lookout! Records released 1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours, a compilation of the 39/Smooth, Slappy, and 1,000 Hours EPs. In late 1990, shortly after the band's first nationwide tour, Sobrante left the East Bay area to attend college. The Lookouts drummer Tré Cool began filling in as a temporary replacement, and when it became clear that Sobrante did not plan to commit to the band full time, Tré Cool's position as Green Day's drummer became permanent. The band went on tour for most of 1992 and 1993, and played a stretch of shows overseas in Europe. The band's second full length album Kerplunk sold about 50,000 copies in the U.S.


Breakthrough success: 1994–1996

Kerplunk's underground success led to a wave of interest coming from major record labels, and they eventually left Lookout! on friendly terms and signed with Reprise Records after attracting the attention of producer Rob Cavallo. Signing to Reprise caused many punk rock fans to regard Green Day as sellouts.Reflecting on the period, Armstrong told Spin magazine in 1999, "I couldn't go back to the punk scene, whether we were the biggest success in the world or the biggest failure ... The only thing I could do was get on my bike and go forward."After signing with Reprise, the band went to work on recording its major label debut, Dookie.
Released in February 1994, and recorded in 3 weeks,Dookie became a commercial success, helped by extensive MTV airplay for the videos of the songs "Longview", "Basket Case", and "When I Come Around", all of which reached the number one position on the Modern Rock Tracks charts. That year, Green Day embarked on a nationwide tour with queercore band Pansy Division as its opening act. At a September 9, 1994 concert at Boston Esplanade, mayhem broke-out during the band's set (cut short to seven songs) and by the end of the rampage, 100 people were injured and 45 arrested.The band also joined the lineups of both the Lollapalooza festival and Woodstock 1994, where they started an infamous mud fight. During the concert, a security guard mistook bassist Mike Dirnt for a stage-invading fan and punched out some of his teeth. Viewed by millions by pay-per-view television, the Woodstock 1994 performance further aided Green Day's growing publicity and recognition,and helped push its album to eventual diamond status. In 1995, Dookie won the Grammy Award for Best Alternative Album and the band was nominated for 9 MTV Video Music Awards including Video of the Year.
In 1995, a new single for the Angus soundtrack was released, titled "J.A.R.". The single went straight to number one on the Billboard Modern Rock Tracks chart. The song was followed by the band's new album, Insomniac, which was released in the fall of 1995. Insomniac was a much darker and heavier response by the band, compared to the poppier, more melodic Dookie. Insomniac opened to a warm critical reception, earning 4 out of 5 stars from Rolling Stone, which said "In punk, the good stuff actually unfolds and gains meaning as you listen without sacrificing any of its electric, haywire immediacy. And Green Day are as good as this stuff gets." Insomniac used a piece of art by Winston Smith entitled God Told Me to Skin You Alive for its album cover. The singles released from Insomniac were "Geek Stink Breath", "Brain Stew/Jaded", "Walking Contradiction", and "Stuck with Me". Though the album did not approach the success of Dookie, it still sold two million copies in the United States.Insomniac won the band award nominations for Favorite Artist, Favorite Hard Rock Artist, and Favorite Alternative Artist at the 1996 American Music Awards, and the video for "Walking Contradiction" got the band a Grammy nomination for Best Video, Short Form, in addition to a Best Special Effects nomination at the MTV Video Music Awards. After that, the band abruptly cancelled a European tour, citing exhaustion.

Middle years and a fall in popularity: 1997–2002

After taking a break in 1996, Green Day began to work on a new album in 1997. From the outset, both the band and Cavallo agreed that the album had to be different from its previous records. The result was Nimrod, an experimental deviation from the band's standard pop-punk brand of music. The new album was released in October 1997. It provided a variety of music, from pop-punk, surf rock, and ska, to an acoustic ballad. Nimrod entered the charts at number 10. The success of "Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)" won the band an MTV Video Award for Best Alternative Video for the song's video, which depicted people undergoing major changes in their lives while Billie Joe Armstrong strummed his acoustic guitar.The song was also used in the second "clip show" episode of Seinfeld and on two episodes of ER. The other singles released from Nimrod were "Nice Guys Finish Last", "Hitchin' a Ride" and "Redundant". The band made a guest appearance in an episode of King of the Hill entitled "The Man Who Shot Cane Skretteberg", which aired in 1997. In late 1997 and most of 1998, Green Day went on a tour to support their new album.
In 2000, Green Day released Warning, a step further in the style that they had hinted at with Nimrod. In support of the new album, they participated in the Warped Tour in 2000. They also had an independent tour to support the album in 2001. Critics' reviews of the album were varied. Allmusic gave it 4.5/5 saying "Warning may not be an innovative record per se, but it's tremendously satisfying." Rolling Stone was more critical, giving it 3/5, and saying "Warning... invites the question: Who wants to listen to songs of faith, hope and social commentary from what used to be snot-core's biggest-selling band?" Though it produced the hit "Minority" and a smaller hit with "Warning", some observers were coming to the conclusion that the band was losing relevance,[and a decline in popularity followed. While all of Green Day's past albums had reached a status of at least double platinum, Warning was only certified gold.
At the 2001 California Music Awards, Green Day won all eight awards that they were nominated for. They won the awards for Outstanding Album (Warning), Outstanding Punk Rock/Ska Album (Warning), Outstanding Group, Outstanding Male Vocalist, Outstanding Bassist, Outstanding Drummer, Outstanding Songwriter and Outstanding Artist.
The release of a Greatest Hits compilation, International Superhits!, and an assemblage of B-sides, Shenanigans, followed Warning. International Superhits and its companion collection of music videos, International Supervideos!, sold reasonably well, going platinum in the U.S. Shenanigans contained some of the band's B-sides, including "Espionage" which was featured in Austin Powers: The Spy Who Shagged Me and was nominated for a Grammy for Best Rock Instrumental Performance.
In the spring of 2002, Green Day co-headlined the Pop Disaster Tour with Blink-182. Despite the co-headlining title, Green Day would play each show before Blink-182, who at the time were experiencing more success. The tour was documented on the DVD Riding in Vans with Boys.

American Idiot and renewed success: 2003–2006

In the summer of 2003 the band went into a studio to write and record new material for a new album, tentatively titled Cigarettes and Valentines.After completing 20 tracks, the master tapes were stolen from the studio. It was then revealed that a band called The Network was signed to Armstrong's Adeline Records with little fanfare and information. After the mysterious band released an album called Money Money 2020, it was rumored that The Network was a Green Day side project, and that Money Money 2020 was really Cigarettes and Valentines. However, Billie Joe denied the rumors, but The Network still appears in Green Day box sets and is mentioned in Green Day interviews.
Green Day collaborated with Iggy Pop on two tracks for his album Skull Ring in late 2003. On February 1, 2004 a new song, a cover of "I Fought the Law" made its debut on a commercial for iTunes during NFL Super Bowl XXXVIII. The band underwent serious "band therapy," engaging in several long talks to work out the members' differences after accusations from Dirnt and Cool that Armstrong was "the band's Nazi" and a show-off bent on taking the limelight from the other band members.
The resulting 2004 album, American Idiot, debuted at number one on the Billboard charts, the band's first ever album to top the chart, backed by the success of the album's first single, "American Idiot." The album was billed as a "punk rock opera" which follows the journey of the fictitious "Jesus of Suburbia". American Idiot won the 2005 Grammy for "Best Rock Album" and the band swept the 2005 MTV music awards, winning a total of seven of the eight awards they were nominated for, including the coveted Viewer's Choice Award.
Through 2005, the band toured in support of the album with about 150 dates — the longest tour in its career — visiting Japan, Australia, South America and the United Kingdom, where they drew a crowd of 130,000 people over a span of two days. While touring for American Idiot, they filmed and recorded the two concerts at the Milton Keynes National Bowl in England, which was voted 'The Best Show On Earth' in a Kerrang! Magazine Poll.
These recordings were released as a live CD and DVD called Bullet in a Bible on November 15, 2005. This CD/DVD featured hits from American Idiot as well as a few songs from all its previous albums, except "Kerplunk" and "1,039/Smoothed Out Slappy Hours". The DVD featured behind-the-scenes footage of the band, and showed how the band prepared to put on the show. The final shows of its 2005 world tour were in Sydney, Australia, and Melbourne, Australia, on December 14 and 17 respectively. On January 10, 2006 the band was awarded with a People's Choice Award for favorite group.

On August 1, 2005, Green Day announced that that it had rescinded the master rights to its pre-Dookie material from Lookout! Records, citing a continuing breach of contract regarding unpaid royalties, a complaint shared with other Lookout! bands. The pre-Dookie material, which remained out of print for about a year, was reissued by the band's current label, Reprise, on January 9, 2007.
In 2006, Green Day won the Grammy Award for Record of the Year for "Boulevard of Broken Dreams"which spent 16 weeks at the number one position of Billboard's Modern Rock Tracks, a record it shared along with Red Hot Chili Peppers' "Scar Tissue" and Staind's "It's Been Awhile", (the record has been since been beaten by Foo Fighters' 2007 hit "The Pretender" which reigned at the top spot for 18 weeks).
Brandon Flowers of The Killers went on record in 2007 claiming that Green Day's politically driven concept album American Idiot displays "calculated Anti-Americanism." He explained that he has problems with the album content itself and the fact that the band's live DVD, Bullet in a Bible, was filmed in England. The taping of the concert, featured on Bullet in a Bible, shows thousands of Europeans singing along to "American Idiot." Stating that he felt Green Day's DVD is a bit of a stunt, he said, "I just thought it was really cheap. To go to a place like England or Germany and sing that song - those kids aren't taking it the same way that he meant it. And he (Billie Joe Armstrong) knew it."

Foxboro Hot Tubs and 21st Century Breakdown: 2007–2009

Green Day engaged in several other smaller projects in the time following the hype of American Idiot. Green Day released a new album under the band name Foxboro Hot Tubs entitled Stop Drop and Roll!!!. In 2008, the Foxboro Hot Tubs went on a mini-tour to promote the record, hitting tiny Bay Area venues including the Stork Club in Oakland and Toot’s Tavern in Crockett, CA. One song, “Ruby Room,” even gives a shout-out to the Oakland dive bar where “the Pabst Blue Ribbon unravels.”[38]
In an interview with Kerrang!, Armstrong revealed that 2008 would "be a fair estimate of the release date of their new untitled eighth studio album for Green Day."[39] In an interview with Carson Daly, Garbage lead singer Shirley Manson revealed that Butch Vig would be producing Green Day's forthcoming album.[40] The span of nearly five years between American Idiot and 21st Century Breakdown was the longest gap between studio albums in Green Day's career. The band had been working on new material since January 2006. By October 2007, Armstrong had 45 songs written, but the band showed no further signs of progress until October 2008, when a video of the group recording with producer Butch Vig in the studio was posted on YouTube. Two videos showing the band in the studio were posted on YouTube.[41][42] In the tour section of the band's official website, the message "World Tour coming soon!" is shown.[43][44] The writing and recording process, spanning three years and four recording studios, was finally finished in April 2009.[45]
21st Century Breakdown, was released on May 15, 2009.[46] The album had mainly positive reception from critics, getting an average rating between 3 and 4 stars.[47][48] After the release, the album hit #1 in fourteen different countries, hitting Gold or Platinum in each. 21st Century Breakdown achieved Green Day's best chart performance to date. The band started playing shows in California in April and early May. It was their first live show in about 3 years. Green Day is currently on a world tour that started in North America in July, 2009 and continuing around the world throughout the rest of 2009 and early 2010.[49]
In 2009 the band met with award-winning director Michael Mayer and many cast and crew members of the Tony Award winning musical Spring Awakening to create a stage version of the album American Idiot. American Idiot: The Musical opened in the Berkeley Repertory Theatre during the end of 2009. The show features an expanded story of the original album, with new characters such as Will, Tunny, Extraordinary Girl, and Favorite Son.

American Idiot: The Musical on Broadway, and the return of Cigarettes and Valentines: 2010–present

On April 20, 2010, American Idiot: The Musical opened on Broadway, and Green Day released the soundtrack to the musical, featuring a new song by Green Day entitled "When It's Time". In June 2010 the UK iTunes Store received the single "When It's Time".
During the Spike TV Video Game Awards 2009, it was announced that Green Day was set to get their own Rock Band video game, as a follow up to the last band specific Rock Band game, The Beatles: Rock Band. The game was released June 8, 2010. The game features the full albums of American Idiot, 21st Century Breakdown, and Dookie as well as select songs from the rest of Green Day's catalog.
Green Day plan on having a follow-up album within the next couple years, but no specific dates have been stated. They have said that they are writing new material. In an interview with Kerrang! magazine, Armstrong spoke about the possible new album: “We did some demos in Berlin, some in Stockholm, some just outside of Glasgow and some in Amsterdam. We wanted get [the songs] down in some early form."
On August 24, 2010, the band posted on their twitter account that there is a possibility that a new live album will be released soon: "We've been recording our live shows since the beginning of tour. Possible Live album coming. A ton of songs! We're in texas!" On August 28, the band mentioned the live album again at a show in Denver, Colorado. Billie Joe told the crowd, "Hey, I just want to tell you something right now. We are recording a live fucking album right now," before playing a "new" song called "Cigarettes and Valentines", which was actually just the title song from the unreleased album from 2003.They also said they were recording a live album during the entire tour on the last date of the tour in Mountain View, California, also before playing the song "Cigarettes and Valentines". The new live album is likely to feature recordings from that show because it was their hometown show and the final date of the tour.

Band members

Current members
Former members
Current touring members
Former touring members
  • Timmy Chunks – rhythm guitar (1997–1999)
  • Garth Schultz – trombone, trumpet (1997–1999)
  • Gabrial McNair – trombone, tenor saxophone (1999–2001)
  • Kurt Lohmiller – trumpet, timpani, percussion, backing vocals (1999–2004)
  • Mike Pelino – rhythm guitar, backing vocals (2004–2005)
  • Ronnie Blake – trumpet, timpani, percussion, backing vocals (2004–2005)


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